The Minister of Transparency, Participation and Public Administration, Beatriz Ballesteros, met today with heads of Citizen Security and the Local Police Department to analyze the Law of Coordination of Local Police of the Region of Murcia, which entered into force on the last 6 of October.
One of its measures is to promote the creation of the Local Police Corps in municipalities with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants.
In them, a minimum number of three agents and one sub-inspector is necessary, in front of the five members that were previously required.
Novelties are incorporated in terms of structure and organization of the Local Police Corps.
Likewise, the sub-inspectors will be integrated into the current classification group B and the commissioners in subgroup A1, and the figure of the agent and that of the first sub-inspector will be created.
In addition, the access requirements are modified, opening the access door to the local police to many citizens who previously could not attend the selective processes by age, stature and driving licenses.
Specifically, the maximum age of 30 years is eliminated and extended until the retirement age provided that the required conditions are met.
The minimum stature required in the male sex goes from 1.70 centimeters to 1.65 and in the female sex it goes from 1.65 centimeters to 1.60.
On the other hand, the driving license A2 of large motorcycles is required.
Ballesteros said that "the previous law, after more than 20 years of validity, demanded a thorough revision of its articles, and the current regional regulations are adapted to the social and police reality."
Source: CARM